Monday, June 10, 2013

My Story


NEWS 11/19/13: Guys, today we sent our "Appeal Brief For Rehearing" to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. We have been fighting with this case for three (3) years and we won't stop. Justice...!


My case # 13-10446 against Target Corporation has been affirmed by the USCA from the  11th. Circuit Court of Appeals. In fact, we received the document with the note “DO NOT PUBLISH”; however, the Court has published the whole document in its website.

Because I am a American Citizen that respect and comply with the United States laws, I will not publish the document; however, I will proceed to appeal the USCA from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals decision using the legal actions according to the laws and the United States Constitution that protect all US Citizen without consideration if you are Florida Resident or not.
Since December 2011 when this process started, I decided to protect my rights against the "Big Corporation" that using its power and the umbrella of the Florida laws which are oriented to protect the employers, allowing that they feel free to discriminate and abuse to the employees.



My intention to narrate my story is just mention what happened to me and I will put this case to be known for everybody in the United States…we are Americans and we will fight for Justice until the end!
THANKS FOR LISTEN TO ME…! I will continue fighting for the women rights with spirit and my whole heart. God bless the all women in United States of America.

        My name is Anamaria, originally from Venezuela and U.S. Naturalized American Citizen. I am living in Florida since 2002, and I have been married for 18 years with two daughters and one son. I am a System engineer graduated in Venezuela and recently graduated as Computer Information System in USA; I’m a woman like others that pursues to maintain a perfect balance between the family-work-personal life environments, with human and civil rights protected by our Constitution.
        This is a true story about the discrimination and retaliation that I suffered at the workplace during my pregnancy period. My story could be the same than others women have been facing now, or they suffered the same in the past in the United States. Whatsoever, many of those stories remain in the silence, because is doubtful that legal system supports many pregnant women to find the way to protect their rights against the unlawful actions from employers. The reality is that there are states around the country with a nature and flexible tendency to protect the employers that take unlawful actions to discriminate to pregnant women. Florida State is one of them…!
        As I mentioned above, my story could be the same like the majority of women whose go to work to sustain, protect, and cover the basic needs of their families. Whatsoever, at the time when we decide to work also we are exposed to any kind of maltreatment at the workplace. In fact, the problem begins and turning worst at the majority of the cases when you are pregnant. However, your health conditions as result of the developing of the pregnancy will change unexpectedly. Anyway, some managers do not care to these changes, and they used to play with your health without attention. Therefore, the health and integrity of the baby that is growing up inside may be in jeopardy for stress, and  consequently can face collateral damages that put the pregnant woman into a high risk for a miscarriage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


  1. Hi name is Matt Lewis and I'm from Alabama...I read your story that really touched my heart because a friend of mine that worked in Kmart faced discrimination and retaliation when she was pregnant. Maybe she didn't know how to resolve the situation and she had to resign for the pressure of the managers. Thanks God She's good and her daughter was born healthy...I support you Anamarie and I will spread the word in FB... don't give up because you represent a hope for a lot of people.

  2. Thanks Mr. Matt for your comment and support. I won't give up..

  3. I Hi Ana! My name is Dayana from LA, CA. Actually I'm pregnant (3 months) working in WalMart, and after I read your story I understand the reason why my manager bother me everyday. Thanks for the info that opened my eyes and I'll be aware about any signal of discrimination in my workplace.

  4. Hello Dayana; I am very happy that this post helps you to open your eyes about the situation in your workplace. This is the intention of this post “open women eyes” …. We are human and we have the right to be pregnant, we have the right to have babies, and we have the right to protect our babies against anything and anyone. If we work together, we can stop the discrimination against pregnancy women in USA.

    Good luck in your workplace, and thanks for your comment.

  5. Thanks Anamaria....keep us informed about the status of your case. I will spread your link too.
    God bless your family..


    1. Thanks Dayana. I will update my blog when I have new information about my case. Keep your eyes open in your workplace, and don’t let them to create a nightmare around your pregnancy because been pregnant is the best condition for any women. Our babies are the best gift from God, and we will defend them with our life. God bless your baby and your family.

  6. Es increible que una organizacion del calibre de Target tenga esas injusticias con sus empleados!!! Anamaria, te apoyo y que Dios te acompanie en este proceso de Justicia.
    Un abrazo.

    Natalia Garcia

  7. Gracias por tu apoyo Natalia. Hoy en día muchas compañías quieren robots en lugar de seres humanos. Las mujeres somos un estorbo ya que podemos salir embarazadas y ser según ellos una carga para la compañía, pero nunca ven todo el trabajo fuerte y toda la dedicación que le brindamos a la compañía durante años. Solamente pedimos un poco de consideración en una etapa tan bella de nuestras vidas, pero las grandes compañías carecen de humanidad. Muchas veces pienso que la mayoría de altos ejecutivos de esas grandes compañías vinieron a este mundo de árboles y no de mujeres porque no tienen ningún respeto hacia nosotras. Que hubiera sido de sus vidas si sus madres no los hubieran defendido desde el primer momento que sus corazones comenzaron a latir en el vientre de sus madres? Yo defenderé a mis hijos contra todos y contra todo.
    Dios te bendiga y aquí seguiremos luchando para que las mujeres seamos respetadas y tratadas como lo que somos.

  8. Alex

    Espero que todo se resuleva de la mejor manera, la discriminacion es algo que pasa en muchos sitios debido al mal manejo de las empresas, ellos creen que los empleados son esclavos y tratan de explotarlos para tratar de ahorrarse un dinero que es bien merecido por los trabajadores. Nosotros de aqui te apoyamos, y te deseamos la mejor de la suerte en este caso.

    1. Gracias por tu apoyo Alex. Las compañías creen que somos esclavos y no podemos enfermarnos bajo ninguna circunstancia y mucho menos tenemos el derecho de salir embarazadas. Ellos piensan que somos floreros decorativos para sus empresas y somos desechables cuando ya les estorbamos o no nos necesitan. Seguiremos luchando por esta causa y sobretodo informando a todas aquellas mujeres que de una u otra manera fueron o son discriminadas por tener la dicha de llevar un bebe en su vientre. Mi intención es informar para que mi historia no se repita y aquellas mujeres embarazadas que están siendo discriminadas en su lugar de trabajo, sepan que si nos unimos podemos cambiar muchas cosas en este país.

  9. La discriminacion contra la mujer hace historia porque tiene el apoyo que se plegan a las empresas. Cuanto tiempo mas es necesario para que la ley y la justicia ganen en el pais. Buena suerte con tu caso y que gane la justicia.

  10. Tienes toda la razon. Dios nos permita eliminar el abuso y la discriminacion hacia las mujeres embarazadas y que mi historia no se repita. Gracias por tu comentario.
