What I expect from the Legal System

In my opinion, the babies have human rights, and the mothers have to be obliged to protect them it does not matter what happen later…they should be carefully protected.
Then, after all that happened to me for that time and the prior actions from Target Corporation, I analyzed the decision that I took when I requested my medical leave absence, and actually some questions that still remains in my head without answers such as what really happened with that company? Was I wrong to protect my baby? Was I wrong that my love as mother surpassed everything to care my baby and put him away from a dangerous place? Did I make a mistake to prefer to keep my baby’s health and fight for his civil rights just protecting him? What really happened with these people and the companies that are playing with the life, integrity, and safety of the pregnant women and their babies? At what time the civil rights, values, principles to respect others were lost? What the companies are thinking when their managers discriminate and bullied the employees with a constantly retaliation against the pregnant women just for their health        conditions? Why the companies’ managers have been threatened the pregnant women in the Florida State and around United States of America like animals without human rights? Do the Corporations still believe that we as mothers will risk our babies’ safety  for them? Honestly, I don’t think so!
Maybe at the perception of others, they believed that I did wrong and others approached to me and they said you did right Anamaria! The only that I want to say is I just did what I had to do to protect my baby and that is it! I did that any mother will do; I followed my heart and instincts. My children are my family, and I will protect them until The Lord continue giving me the strength to wake up every day and fight for everybody member of my family; and I am so proud for it!
Obviously, I know that many women like me suffered this situation, some of them have been living this nightmare, and our daughters could be suffered the same problem. We can allow to this kind of discrimination, retaliation, bully at the workplace, and the lack of safety conditions for the pregnant women continue happening. We have to OPEN OUR EYES! We are humans no slaves…it does not matter our ethnicities, race, color, sex, age…we are women and the management representatives of the big corporations must respect us…we are humans and we have rights to be protected and people should know about it!
We need the support for people that really help us to stop the discrimination, we need new voices at the courts, we need a legal system in Florida State and other states around USA more transparent to listen and open their eyes too. The legal system in this Nation must stop the abuse, exploitation, discrimination, retaliation, and any bully activities that the big corporations are continuously harming our women. They are facing day by day the discrimination at their workplaces.
Whatsoever, everybody know that Florida State and the Law System are flexible to protect the employers, and the legal process through the Courts are not totally transparent just discarding or wipe-out prior cases of discrimination with legal allegations that not apply for the same lawsuits. In fact, the employers continue doing whatever they want and they protect them.
We are Americans and people with rights, and we must to make a change to protect the women rights. It’s time to elevate our voices to be listened, it’s time to evaluate if the representatives in our Courts that are part of the Legal System in those states specially Florida are the people that really deserve to represent the people and don’t keep others knobbing their heads and accept the petitions of the Corporations.

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